Date Created: 2016-07-07 11:34:59


The SKGB Board of Directors have agreed the need for one additional Kumite Coach to be added to their Sports team.

Applications for the position must be received by close of Business on Friday 19th August 2016.

Click on PDF doc for details.


Date Created: 2016-04-13 10:13:55

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Scottish Karate Governing Body Limited will be held at the Dakota Hotel, 1-3 Parklands  Avenue, Eurocentral Business Park, Motherwell, Near Glasgow, ML1 4WQ at 7.30pm on Friday 20th May 2016.

Nominations are required for the following Board positions.

1. Vice Chairperson.

2. Director of Sport.

Nominations for the positions should be e-mailed or posted to the SKGB office to be received no later than close of business on Friday 22nd April 2016.

Date Created: 2016-04-05 12:43:37

Attached a brief report of our active schools karate grading that was held on Saturday 2nd April 2016
Approx 800 kids form 60 schools in Fife
Many thanks again to everyone for supporting this programme and helping to make it possible

Date Created: 2016-03-17 10:35:58

Happy international womens day from the SKGB.
Our womens coaching week this week has had a great start
brilliant to see so many taking part.
If your club hasn't already taken part, there is still plenty time
so please do get involved. Keep it up and enjoy the week.

Chloe MacLean
SKGB Director Looking after women and girls interests 

Date Created: 2016-03-02 11:04:15

Celebrate International Womens Day by learning from your clubs top women!

Date Created: 2016-02-29 16:21:13

SKGB Events Calendar.

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