Happy International Women's Day!
The SKGB would like to wish our members a happy International Women's Day. Congratulations and thank you to every woman and girl who has started karate this year, continued to improve their karate, dedicated their time to coaching in communities across Scotland, gained qualifications as coaches or officials, or taken part in competitions at home and abroad. We have a wealth of talented women and girls in Karate Scotland who continue to inspire women, men, girls and boys alike - thank you!
Some Karate Scotland highlights include:
Elise Bauld - European Junior Champion!
Neve Ewing - World Combat Games Bronze Medallist!
Karate Scotland Periods infographic report
We delighted to publish the periods and karate report in the Karate Scotland website! You can access the report on the attached PDF document.
Many thanks to everyone who took part in this research.
We are also delighted to be able to share this report that both tells us how women and girls experience periods at karate and provides guidance for coaches, women and girls - enjoy!
Best wishes,
Chloe Maclean
Karate Scotland Director of women and girls interests