The SKGB strives to ensure through our collaboration with partners that every person in Scotland has the same opportunities in karate. We are also committed to embedding a culture of equality and diversity in our organisation and ensuring that all involved are treated fairly, without discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, sex, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
The SKGB are currently working towards Preliminary Level standard in equality.
Why female membership is good for your club Karate has a long history of mixed-sex training
The diversity of skills and actions involved in karate, and the diversity of its members, makes karate an exciting and dynamic martial art. Scotland also has a history of successful female karateka as club practitioners, association executive members, coaches, competitors, and referees/ officiating staff. Developing or increasing a female membership can: dilute an aggressive bullying environment that has been found in some male sports; increases class sizes; increase the pool of expertise and talent within your club; aid men/boys developing respectful relations with women/girls; and, of course, bring extra revenue into a club. As such, ensuring your dojo is suited to welcoming and retaining female members is beneficial for women, girls, coaches, and clubs. Informed by academic research, this booklet aims to help coaches increase and retain their female membership and develop encouraging and empowering dojos for women and girls by:
Equality and Diversity for women and girls guidance
Please download the Scottish LGBT Sports Charter below.