Scottish Karate Governing Body Ltd
UK Anti-Doping summary of activities 2022- 23
This resource is in support of UKAD Assurance Framework. It outlines a summary of activities carried out by The Scottish Karate Governing Body Limited in the year 2022 -23 as part of its ongoing promotion of Clean Sport within Scottish Karate.
The Scottish Karate Governing Body Limited is opposed to the use of performance enhancing drugs and doping practises in Traditional and Sport Karate and fully supports the positions of the International Olympic Committee, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and UK Anti-doping against the use of banned substances.
Clean Sport Education Strategy and implementation Plan
2023 will see the introduction of a new anti-Doping and education strategy for Scottish Karate.
Our mission from 2023 – 2027
Is to establish Scottish karate as a clean sport.
Our education strategy
We will be able to target all elite athletes and SKGB coaches (in excess of 200) over the next 2 year period with our education program and have in place 3 Anti-Doping educators and a lead officer to deliver our strategy.
UKAD compliance and review 2022/2023
Over the last year the SKGB have achieved the following to assist us in implementation of our strategy and education plan.
- Complied and Implemented UKAD 24-point framework
- Appointed lead Anti-Doping contact (Mr James Miller)
- Appointed Anti-Doping officer (Professor Adriano Rossi)
- Circulated WADA 2023 list to SKGB members
- Education implementation strategy and plan in place
- Agreed to organise seminars with elite athletes at national squad training in 2023
- Agreed to educate over 200 SKGB coaches onto the UKAD coach program over the next 2 years.
- Will circulate our strategy and plan to all stakeholders and post on the SKGB website.
- Implement our plan into the SKGB 1- and 4-Year plan relating to 2023/2027
- Updated the SKGB website to include a section only for UKAD
- Inserted UKAD logo onto the SKGB website giving direct access to the UKAD website
- Looking to establish three Anti-Doping educators.
- Worked with Sportscotland and UKAD on compliance.